I’m VEGAN, but I still crave CHEESE.

10 Tips for Practicing the Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Inflammation and aging go hand in hand as inflammation markers – especially the ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate) – slowly increase with each decade. Many age-related diseases have inflammation as their common denominator and this is partially modulated by diet, so here are 10 easy tips to avoid the buildup of damaging inflammation products as much as possible.

Quick Tips to Help You Lower Cholesterol

Avoiding the perils that accompany high cholesterol is relatively simple. Here are five quick tips to help you lead a healthy lifestyle.

A Refrigerator Snack Box Can Solve Your Snacking Woes

One of the best ways to solve your snacking woes is to create a snack box for your refrigerator. Uncontrolled snacking is one of the top reasons why people continually have trouble losing weight and are unable to get in shape. Not only is this due to the types/amounts of snack choices made on a regular basis, but also the fact that there are numerous snacking instances every day. That means each moment presents the opportunity to overeat. Think about your own personal snacking habits. Are they usually healthy instances beneficial for weight loss or are they often nutritional disasters that leave you feeling stuffed and bloated afterwards? Here’s a great way to solve this issue with your very own refrigerator snack box.

Tasty Vegan Meals

It’s been contended for years that not only is a vegan diet the most conscious diet one can follow, but many also believe that it is the ‘greenest’ diet. It’s important to remember and note, of course, that veganism is not simply a diet, it’s a lifestyle – and an awesome one, at that!

Is Your Vitamin D Bad for You?

Is you vitamin D working for you or against you? Here are some rules when picking your vitamin D supplement.

Alcohol Guidelines

Recent studies have demonstrated that excessive alcohol consumption can cause a vast majority of certain cancers. Therefore the Government recently published new guidelines on the recommended units for alcohol, for both men and women.

Is Coffee Healthy or Unhealthy? Here’s the Answer, Backed by Research

There’s so much misinformation when it comes to drinking coffee. If you’re a coffee drinker, I’m sure you’ve been told that it’s bad for you, you should cut down, etc. When you actually look at scientific studies, you’ll see that it’s healthier than you think.

911 – Cholesterol Intervention

These are some fail-safe tips for lowering even the highest cholesterol numbers, naturally. The content is totally non-fiction, a true story.

Parents and Food: Healthy Role Models?

Parental quirks about food and eating may be passed on to their kids, either intentionally or unconsciously. Which messages are you you sending to your kids?

When It Comes to Eating Junk, Once in a While Is Most of the Time

There is nothing wrong with an occasional snack. However, when it comes to junk food, for the general population, once in a while is actually most of the time.

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